The Power of 3D rendering: Quick product variations.

3D rendering is a versatile and useful tool for many purposes. One of the powerful options it provides for product visualizations is the ability to quickly generate different product material previews and color variations. This is a tremendous asset in a product’s concept design phase, or when you would like to increase your existing product color portfolio.

Let’s have a look at an example. Below is a 3D model of a Dainese biker boot. It is loaded in a 3D rendering software and has its basic gray startup material assigned.

Now we can quickly assign different material types like plastics and leathers to the model, along with the desired colors (and also in this case brand logo’s). By doing this you can quickly get an awesome product impression like the result below:

So this is already absolutely fantastic. It is the true power of 3D rendering. But it becomes even better, as we can easily change the color properties of the plastic and the leather materials to quickly obtain color variations like the examples below:

These changes are literally done with the click of a button. And they give life like results. So instead of having to completely manufacture your product and having to make duplicates to explore material and color variants, you can use 3D rendering to easily change materials and colors digitally, with the slightest of effort.
And if you want to go a little bit crazy with it, you can even make a gold plated boot with gems and bordeaux leather as a variant. Why not.

I hope this post has shown you the power of 3D rendering and the potential it holds for your product development. If you have any remarks or questions, please let me know in the comments below.

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