Author Archives: admin

For the layman – How 3D Rendering Works. Part 7: Lighting

[ about a 20 min. read ] In the previous articles I discussed Camera & Composition. In this article I want to discuss light and lighting techniques in 3D scenes. Now composition and lighting are of course very intertwined. As in the previous article I discussed some key aspects in lighting with regards to composition. […]

For the layman – How 3D Rendering Works. Part 6: Composition

[ about a 25 min. read ] In the previous article I talked about the camera. I discussed the creative options we have at our disposal to set up our shot. Those options were basically already part of setting up the composition. But I also mentioned that camera and composition are very intertwined. In this […]

For the layman – How 3D Rendering Works. Part 5: Camera

[ about a 15 min. read ] In the previous article I talked about UV mapping. what it exactly is and how it influences texturing. In this article however we are going to address a whole different topic. We are going to talk about the camera. The camera is very intertwined with composition, but to […]

For the layman – How 3D Rendering Works. Part 4: Projection Mapping & UV Mapping

[ about a 20 min. read ] In the previous article I explained what textures are and how they are used in 3D rendering. Now there is one important step in-between that I deliberately skipped. And this is how to actually get a 2D image onto a 3D object. I will discuss how that is […]

For the layman – How 3D Rendering Works. Part 3: Textures

[ about a 20 min. read ] In the previous article I talked about materials and shaders. The material is the main interface for the user that shows all the properties of the material that can be changed. The shaders contains all the algorithms and mathematical programming. Based on the material property settings, the shader […]

For the layman – How 3D Rendering Works. Part 2: Materials & Shaders

[ about a 15 min. read ] So you have your 3D model. It is either a polygon model or a CAD NURBS model (as stated in the previous article). So we import it in our 3D rendering software, but it still doesn’t really look like much. Most likely it just looks dull and grayish. […]

For the layman – How 3D Rendering Works. Part 1: 3D models

[ about a 10 min. read ] Welcome to this 1st part of what will most likely be a 7 part series on how 3D rendering works. It is an explanation for the layman. I will basically be touching upon all the elements of what is needed to construct a 3D render. 3D models, Materials, […]